Weddings at
First Presbyterian Church
"and the two shall become one . . ."

You're engaged! Congratulations!
Marriage is one of God's most amazing gifts. FPCP welcomes the prospect of becoming the place where you will begin your journey together as husband and wife. This historic and inspiring church, with its vaulted spaces, great wooden doors, and stained glass windows will be a beautiful reflection of your Christian faith and the strength of your commitment to each other.
The pastors, staff, and congregation of FPCP are pleased to offer hospitality, care, and counsel to you and your families during your engagement; even longer if you wish to be part of this church. We encourage you to attend Sunday worship services with us as a way of growing into your new life together.
Please know that, while our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), has changed its centuries-old stance on marriage, it protects the freedom of conscience of church members and clergy. FPCP remains committed to the traditional biblical understanding of marriage.
Please review carefully all of the information contained in the documents below. They are meant to answer most of your questions, as well as prompt inquiries you would like to make. We encourage you to print our policy, checklist, and vendor forms to use as a quick and easy reference as you plan. We look forward to serving you!
Taking the first step
If, after reviewing the above policies and guidelines (and agreeing to them), you are interested in having your wedding at FPCP, your first step is to email our Wedding Coordinator (at mmcfarland@fpcp.org) and provide her with the following:
Bride's full name
Groom's full name
Wedding date and time
Alternative date
Number of guests
FPCP pastor or seeking officiant
Upon receipt of your email, a wedding guild member will contact you to review the policy and the meaning of Christian marriage. A session request form will be sent to you. Upon completion, your request will be reviewed by the session (our ruling body). Session meets monthly and you will be notified of their decision.

Our Facility
The Sanctuary works well for weddings of any number up to 800. It is a magnificent space requiring little floral or other decorative embellishment. If an evening candlelight service is desired, hurricane lampstands for the pews can be installed for a small fee. From the narthex doors to the low pulpit, the center aisle measures a grand 90 feet. The rear balcony houses a world-class Casavant Brothers pipe organ.
Our Chapel is a large space located behind the Sanctuary, but open to it. This space may be a good option for smaller, more informal weddings of 75 or less.
FPCP has a wedding coordinator on staff who will oversee the logistical details and arrangements of your wedding and rehearsal.
Due to regularly scheduled worship and other activities of the church, the following dates are not available:
Christmas season, mid-December to early January
Fourth of July weekend
Holy Week, Palm Sunday through Easter