Children in Worship - Preschool to 1st Grade
We are glad to share that Children In Worship (CIW) at First Presbyterian is in session! This special worship experience, designed for children aged preschool-1st grade, provides exposure to bible stories, the flow of worship, and most importantly the sacred and holy connection we have to God. CIW meets on the third floor after the Children’s Message during Worship. A CIW leader or helper will escort your child to the third floor at this time and you may meet your child after Worship at the base of the stairs in the Chapel. Of note, there is no CIW on the first Sunday of the month, as it is Communion Sunday.

Children’s Sunday School - 3 Years Old and Up
Children ages 3 and older are invited to the basement level in Room 4 at 9:30AM on Sundays to explore God’s stories using the DWELL Sunday School curriculum. We are a multi-age classroom that explores the universal truths of the Bible together. Please see Mia Swann for more information.
Children’s Nursery - Birth to 3 Years Old
We are blessed to have a team of faithful and nurturing volunteers in our nursery each Sunday. The nursery is located on the basement level and is outfitted with toys, books, and other activities! Nursery services are offered for children ages birth to 3 during both the Sunday School Hour and Worship and two volunteers are present at all times. If you have any questions or would like to touch base with any of the Nursery volunteers, please reach out to Holly Conner. Thank you!