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Living Generously

Express your Gratitude to God and
your congregation with a gift
to First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh

Giving Options:

  • Cash

  • Appreciated Securities

  • Retirement Plans

  • Endowment

  • Donor-Advised Funds

Giving through your IRA:

Online Giving through Give+:

Donate using the FPCP's Give+ site.

Supporting First Historical Society:

The mission of First Historical Society (FHS) is to promote the history of First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, both to the congregation and to the public at large, through educational programming (tours, lectures, special events, etc.); archival curation; and historical research projects. FHS will also administer historic preservation activities related to the maintenance and preservation of the building and grounds of FPCP and raise funds and secure grants for such activities. FHS will work with FPCP to address long-term maintenance needs of its building and grounds in a fiscally responsible manner.

*Choose "First Historical Society" as your giving category.

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